How to make money on Twitter?

2 min readFeb 23, 2021

February 23, 2021 By Nonti

Photo by Brett Jordan on

With 126 million daily active users, Twitter is easily one of the biggest social media platforms. Tweeps (Twitter users) are on the app for various reasons, to keep up-to-date with the latest news and developments, or to build relationships with people in their fields. Content creators particularly, use twitter on a daily basis to reach new audiences.

But, where’s the money at?

As a twitter user, you have probably heard a number of influencers claiming to make money off twitter and you are probably wondering how they do it.

I mean, you have a couple hundred followers, you communicate with your followers and yet you are making $0.

What are other tweeps doing that you ain’t doing?

This article will give you some insight on HOW TWEETER INFLUENCERS MAKE MONEY?

Getting started

Tweeter influencers create killer twitter profiles to attract clients. They select a niche which is a theme/topic of what their content is going to be based on. A niche should be something that you’re knowledgeable about and that you’re passionate about too. Beauty, Makeup, Skincare, Fitness, Finance and Education are examples of niches.

What Niche would you choose?

As you have probably realized, the main niche of this blog is PERSONAL FINANCE. As an influencer my next step would be to follow people who are in the same niche and create tweets based on that niche. To grow on twitter, communicating with your followers is very important. It builds a relationship between you and your followers, and they are able to trust the products you offer.

Let’s get onto the money part.

  1. Sponsored Tweets

A large following and your relationship with your followers can actually determine how much money you can make on twitter. Influencers are paid by companies in their niche to tweet about their products, services, or brand.

Sponsored tweets also include PROMOS. Influencers can either reach out to company PR managers to request sponsorships or use platforms such as Humanz app, Webfluential, Intellifluence, Byc influencer, SponsoredTweets and PaidPerTweet to connect with clients looking for influencers.

How to make money on Twitter?




Hi, I am a blogger. I write about how to make money, saving money and relationships we have with money.